CompFlo 2.0 | 11/08/2013
Happy Friday Everyone, Launch of CompFlo 2.0 is going as expected. In the 7 days since we've launched we've identified and corrected a number of bugs. In addition we've added just over 300,000 records to the system, mostly on the south side. On Tuesday we shut down the extractor for 48 hours to fix some of the aforementioned bugs, most notably bathroom and basement extraction errors. In addition we installed another server in the Data Center that will allow us to extract records twice as fast. The extractor is now back on line and another million records are in queau to be added over the next 5-6 days. Please forward any bugs directly to me so that I can add it to the list. In addition please help us to identify any record that may be considered to be unreliable by "flagging" the record for review by selecting (See image). The system is trained to detect records that are clearly erroneous and flag them automatically. Data accuracy is paramount and we'll keep refining the process until we acheive the highest degree of accuracy possible. We will send out additional updates next week as the extractor moves through the backlog of files. Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions. Thanks again everyone Shane Moxley CompFlo | Valuation Information Systems P 404-257-6966 | Ext 801 P 888-989-3540 | Ext 801 F 678-868-2398